Lo-fi Mixed Reality Storyboard

Made napkin sketches that illustrate how customers might interact with Vuforia’s upcoming (but secretive) mixed reality experience.

Follow the breadcrumbs.

Role — Illustration, Ideation, Content Strategy

User opens the app...

Scans the QR code

Splash screen/onboarding instructions

Landing page/gallery of MR experiences

App permissions

Questions for set up

Establish a ground plane



Digital twin displays (you’re in!)

Instructional Tips for getting familiar with the UI

Theme menu (’Set Up’ selected)

Theme: Set up the toaster

Theme: Set up the toaster > Step 1

Theme: Set up the toaster > Step 2

...continued (video selected)

Themes menu (’Operation’ selected)

Theme: Operation > Step 1

...continued (PDF selected)

Search navigation
(autocompletes while typing)

Keyword search results are highlighted 
(for ‘electrical system’)

...continued (’spring tray’ was selected)

Theme menu (’Maintenance’ selected)

Theme: Maintenance
(exploded view animates)

Theme menu (’We ❤️ Our Customers’ selected)

Theme: We ❤️ Our Customers
(electric boogaloo dance for appreciation)

The End!